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To enable the learners to distinguish and understand the forms of nationalism that emerged as well as the formation of nation states in Europe in the post-1830 period. Explain how the concept of nationalism in Europe is different from that of anti-colonial nationalism.
Analysing the development of nationalism as an ideology and its relation to the creation of nation-states in Europe and beyond. Non-cooperation and the Civil Disobedience Movement as a case study of Indian nationalism: Understanding the features of Indian nationalism through the two movements Understand the various forms of social movements of the time.
Learn about the work and philosophies of various political parties and personalities. Recognise the values that support the idea of being Indian. Explain the history of globalisation and identify the changes that have occurred in the process. Discuss the impacts of globalisation on the local economy.
Explain how globalisation affects individuals and different societies. It is necessary to understand the pro-industrial phase and the early factory system. Understand the concept of industrialization and its effects on the working class.
Make them aware of industrialization in the colonies, with a special focus on the textile industries. Explain how print culture relates to the dissemination of ideas. Learn pictures, cartoons, fragments of propaganda materials, and newspaper articles about important events and topics in the past.
Realise that there are reasons why forms of writing exist and that these forms are influenced by historical events in society and also act as catalysts for change. To evaluate the effect of the various measures that have been undertaken at different levels in the post-independence era.