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The course of economics within class 12 of the JKBOSE syllabus consists of two units of microeconomics and macroeconomics. These include microeconomic concepts and theories, demand and supply, production and cost analysis, Indian national income and growth, inflation, and Indian economic development.
The syllabus is divided into two main sections: microeconomics, which focuses on the distribution and sale of specific goods, services, and particular economic units, and macroeconomics, which focuses on the Indian economy as a whole and its major pillars, which include national income, monetary policy, fiscal policy, etc., and economic development.
These involve the ability to understand economic theories and principles, examine the behaviour of markets, interpret economic data, understand the structure and functioning of the national and international economies of the country, and also the ability to capture facts and issues related to the economic policies and problems of India.
They comprise end-of-topic tests, assignments, project work on selected economic issues, and tests featuring multiple-choice, short- and long-answer questions. Tests that are internal include periodic tests, assignments, project work on economic issues, and practical tests involving analysis and interpretation of data.
Suggested sources include JKBOSE text books, reference books by authors like Sandeep Garg and TR Jain, online educational interfaces that comprise video tutorials and other types of materials, economic journals, and previous year papers for practicing and becoming acquainted with the pattern of the exam.
The course solely focuses on skills such as data collection and analysis, graphs and charts, other aspects concerning statistical tools and economic data, surveys, and meeting contemporary and policy needs in terms of perspectives.