JKBOSE Class 12th Geography PDF Notes Download

JKBOSE Class 12th Geography PDF Notes Download. Get the Full Notes of Class 12th  Geography Solution with PDF Download. All the below Notes are given according to JKBOSE Syllabus. The notes are also for revisions of JKBOSE Class 12th Geography. JKBOSE Class 12th Geography PDF Notes Download.

JKBOSE Class 12th Geography PDF Notes

JKBOSE Class 12th Geography PDF Notes Download

The JKBOSE curriculum for Class 12 geography comprises geophysical and geographical geography with a special reference to India with its features, resources, and environmental concerns. Also embedded within it are application exercises in map work and spatial problem solving using devices such as the GIS (Geographic Information Systems).

The syllabus is divided into two main parts: population, migration, and economic activities, which are part of the syllabus of the course named ‘’Fundamentals of Human Geography’’ and ‘’India: People and Economy'', in which there are aspects related to the physical geography of India, resources, the agriculture industry, and industrialization, respectively. It also has a segment on practical activities such as the geographic location of countries and graph interpretation.

Some of the topics here are the physical and human geography of India and the world, spatial and environmental relationships, map skills and data handling, as well as appreciation of geographic information in the aspect of sustainable development and environmental management.

Assessments comprise a set of multiple-choice, short answer, and long answer written tests, a set of tests that check the map reading skills, and data analysis of geographical information. Internal assessments are in the form of periodical tests, assignments, and project work on geographical concepts.

Some of the sources that may be helpful are the Marathi-medium NCERT class books, Asst. Professor Majid Husain’s textbooks, educational websites and YouTube channels with video lectures and other materials, sample question papers of the exam for practice, and acquaintance with the pattern of the examination. Practical exercises, in most cases, incorporate some instruments such as topographic maps and GIS.

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