JKBOSE Class 12th Statistics PDF Notes Download

JKBOSE Class 12th Statistics PDF Notes Download. Get the Full Notes of Class 12th  Statistics Solution with PDF Download. All the below Notes are given according to JKBOSE Syllabus. The notes are also for revisions of the JKBOSE Class 12th Statistics. JKBOSE Class 12th Statistics  PDF Notes Download.

JKBOSE Class 12th Statistics PDF Notes

JKBOSE Class 12th Statistics PDF Notes Download

Statistics in Class 12th JKBOSE syllabuses teach students statistical techniques, data analysis, probability theory, and their uses. Some of the matters under this category are descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, probability distributions, sampling techniques, and hypothesis testing.

The syllabus is structured into key units: Statistics and Probability: Elements of Probability Theory, Procedural Techniques in Sampling, Statistical Inference, Introduction to Statistical Analysis, Descriptive Statistics, Sampling and Data Description, Mathematical Probability Theory, Statistical Inference for Sampling, Probability, and Hypothesis Tests, Random Variables, Statistical Inference for Sampling, and Probability Distribution.

The key learning objectives are an appreciation and application of statistical concepts and techniques, the ability to analyse and interpret data, the ability to acquaint oneself with probability and statistical inferences, preparing for higher studies in statistics and other related fields, and the development of constructive thinking and decision-making skills.

Some of the assessments include multiple-choice tests, short- and long-question answer papers, internal tests and assignments, and practicals like data analysis work, the use of statistical packages, and simulated exercises that model real-life situations.

Some of the sources are JKBOSE-prescribed textbooks, text/reference books by authors S. C. Gupta and V. K. Kapoor, distance learning through courses containing video lectures and tutorials, statistical and other journals, and sample papers from previous years.

Thus, it places an emphasis on skills like data gathering and analysis, working with statistical software, and applying statistics to solve practical problems, as well as skills for interpreting statistical results and conducting surveys and experiments. They are essential to succeeding in other academic or career plans in statistics and any other related disciplines.

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