JKBOSE Class 10th Chemistry PDF Notes Download

JKBOSE Class 10th Chemistry PDF Notes Download. Get the Full Notes of Class 10th  Chemistry Solution with PDF Download. All the below Notes are given according to JKBOSE Syllabus. The notes are also for revisions of JKBOSE Class 10th Chemistry. JKBOSE Class 10th Chemistry PDF Notes.

JKBOSE Class 10th Chemistry PDF Notes

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Chemical reactions are accompanied by the change of matter identical or multiple substances into brand new ones with new physical attributes. These alterations are characterized by equations, which enable the conservation of mass law by structuring amounts of atoms of each element being equal in both sides.

The periodic table is the physical representation of the elements in order based on their atomic number and characteristics. It provides a table-like element to accommodate information into rows and columns to capture properties of elements in periodicity, chemical reactivity and physical properties. 

Taking carbon as a basis, organic chemistry resulted in a great diversity of compounds due to the ability of carbon to form bond with other elements or itself in numerous ways. These substances of organic nature is composed of hydrocarbons, alcohols, acids or polymers and they are vital for living organisms and are used in many industrial applications. 

They are known by their silver-like lustre, being good in stretching (plasticity), conductivity (atmosphere) and forming positive ions in reactions. Although non-metals generally resemble dullness and are non-conductive, they can participate in electronic bonding and ionic bonding to form complexes. The metals and nonmetals' dichotomy is basic in any study of chemistry as it reveals the compounds properties and interaction. 

Acids loses proton, bases absorb protons and salts are the form of the neutralization of the monopole acid and the base. Sour taste is one of their characteristics, as well as, red cattle painters and pH values below 7. A, a sour taste, a slippery determination, a color change from red to blue while on litmus paper, and a pH of over 7 describes bases. The molecules of all salts are made up of the light metallic cations and non-metallic heavy anions.

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