JKBOSE Class 10th Geography PDF Notes Download

JKBOSE Class 10th Geography PDF Notes Download. Get the Full Notes of Class 10th Geography Solution with PDF Download. All the below Notes are given according to JKBOSE Syllabus. The notes are also for revisions of JKBOSE Class 10th History. JKBOSE Class 10th Geography PDF Notes.

JKBOSE Class 10th Geography PDF Notes

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From the above PDF Notes you will learn how resources are useful and how one has to strike a balance between the use and conservation of these resources, It is crucial to discuss the role and significance of forests and wildlife in one environment and also gain an idea about the exhaustible resources. Understanding the significance of water in our lives and perhaps gaining attitudes towards its proper utilisation as well as conservation.

It is ideally essential to discuss the role of agriculture in the national economy in detail. Explain the different categories of farming and give the various farming systems; show the location of the major crops; and explain the relations between the rainfall processes and the cropping calendar. Which measures since independence have been adopted by the government to bring about institutional and technological changes? 

Design different types of minerals and energies available and areas of occurrence. . Explain the significance of transport and communication to keep pace with the fast-shrinking globe. It had been explained the rationale behind the prudent use of these two aspects. Trade and tourism introduction: Why is trade important? What is tourism, and how does each one affect a country’s economy? 

These questions would help in explaining the need for industries in the national economy and understanding regional disparities that existed because industries were mainly concentrated in some areas. Explain why industrial development needs to happen and identify the problems that are associated with it, as well as the future of the role of government in sustainable development.

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