JKBOSE Class 11th History PDF Notes Download

JKBOSE Class 11th History PDF Notes Download. Get the Full Notes of Class 11th  History Solution with PDF Download. All the below Notes are given according to JKBOSE Syllabus. The notes are also for revisions of JKBOSE Class 11th History. JKBOSE Class 11th History PDF Notes Download.

JKBOSE Class 11th History PDF Notes

JKBOSE Class 11th History PDF Notes Download 

The emergence of early cities is important for understanding the beginnings of the social structure of people. They were important places of trade, administration, and cultural interactions that began to develop into urban centers. The Sumerian civilisation, including cities like Ur and Babylon, marked the early civilisations with social structure. Archaeological finds from the New Kingdom period indicate that the Nile River valley of Egypt has produced larger and more developed city-states and civilisations such as Memphis and Thebes.
The conquests of Alexander the Great led to the establishment of an empire that spanned three continents. The three continents under consideration in this research include Europe, Asia, and Africa. Alexander the Great sought power and had the military strength to conquer various communities, causing the synthesis of cultures with the spirit of Hellenization. This empire fostered an interconnection of various information and inventions, as well as the exchange of ideas and trading routes, which permanently transformed the areas it occupied.
The Central Islamic Lands feature a territory that can be described as extensive, and it includes such areas as the Arabian Peninsula, North African regions, and Middle Eastern territories. In the wake of the modes of Islam, the subsequent caliphates turned these territories into centres of knowledge, commerce, and other elegance. Cities such as Bagdad and Cordoba, as well as Cairo, were recognised centres of scholarship in art and architecture, making notable progress in the sphere.
The nomads who emerged on the global stage and made a great impact were the nomadic empires, and among them were the Mongols led by Genghis Khan. These huge empires first started their ways of life in the state of nomadic in addition to growing into controlling huge areas through invasion. The Mongolian people, for instance, formed the largest empirical structure in the entire world and promoted other sectors like education and commerce through the Silk Route.
The popular theory that dominated mediaeval European societies was the three estates of the realm, which included the clergy, nobility, and common people. This social structure was used to organise power relations and define roles in society. The clergy was able to rule spiritually, the nobility was able to control political and civil aspects, and the commoners were the majority of the population who owned property and could work in shops and trade, on farms, and in the service of the nobility.

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