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The subjects that are discussed in the 9th grade Political Science curriculum mainly include the understanding of democracy, its workings, its principles, and the institutions related to it. It seeks to apprise the learners of the political system, politics, and politics-related affairs in relation to governance in democratic systems, especially in the Indian context.
Attending Class 9th Political science is important as it educates learners about governments, their values, democracy, and the roles of citizens. Acquiring this knowledge is necessary in order to become an informed, active, and responsible citizen.
The curriculum ensures that students have skills in evaluating and interpreting ongoing political events and politics. By understanding the details of voting, party and election systems, institutions, and their roles, the students will be in a position to analyse and interpret the political news and happenings in everyday life.
When it comes to analysis, students may acquire both critical thinking skills and analytical skills, while communication skills can also be enhanced. They are also able to participate in group and individual discourses on political matters, identify different opinions, and be capable of making proper choices as responsible citizens of a democratic state.
The modes of assessment commonly used in 9th grade political science include written examinations, project work, and class participation. These could be in the form of multiple-choice questions, short questions where students are expected to answer in a few lines, or essays to test the depth of the knowledge possessed by the students. Assignments such as projects or presentations can be effectively utilised to foster further research on a designated subject, and course involvement is usually graded for participation and discussion.