JKBOSE Class 9th Geography PDF Notes Download

JKBOSE Class 9th Geography PDF Notes Download. Get the Full Notes of Class 9th  Geography Solution with PDF Download. All the below Notes are given according to JKBOSE Syllabus. The notes are also for revisions of JKBOSE Class 9th Geography. JKBOSE Class 9th Geography  PDF Notes Download.

JKBOSE Class 9th Geography PDF Notes

JKBOSE Class 9th Geography PDF Notes Download

Climate change therefore means the process involving changes in the climate of the Earth over long term in terms of temperature, precipitation, wind etc. It is mainly caused by the humans like burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, which enhances the concentration of greenhouse gases, warming of the global climate that results in effects like melting of glaciers and rising sea level.

The major classes of geographical features comprise of mountains, valleys, plateaus, plains, and deserts. Mountains are elevated landform with steep escarpment; valleys are low land in between or at the bottom of hills or mountains; plateaus are flat high land; plains are large, flat land; and desert is a region characterized by arid and vegetative sparse areas.

Earthquakes occur when a release of energy in the earth’s surface due to tectonic plates’ shifting occurs. This release is accompanied by seismic waves that shake the ground, when stress built up along the geological faults or through volcanic activities overcomes the strength of rocks. This is known as the focus and the point on the surface directly above is known as the epicentre.

A biome refers to a large region that can be distinguished based on climate and the type of vegetation and animal life that inhabit it. These include tropical rainforest, desert, tundra, and grasslands biomes. Every biome contains distinctive ecosystems that develop in response to the climate and habitat, affecting species, and population interactions.

The process of cutting down trees at large scales is known as deforestation, which has several environmental effects. They cause problems like loss of habitat, decrease in species diversity, and alteration of water supply. Also, it leads to enhanced CO2 emission into the atmosphere thus negatively affecting climate change. Other effects of deforestation are the reduced rates of soil erosion and rainfall.

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